miserable is something you let it pass,not something you pass it to your children. no matter how much you hate your parents , you'll become them eventually. there is no getting away
宇宙战警版灭火英雄几何条块和粉红画风拼出来的热血视觉盛宴各种夸张和变形让人想起小池健的《免费播看高清大片免播放器一》中二男主加上各种大招喊出来不算还要出个顶天立地的日英双语字幕博士叫Deus死后数码寄居体造出来的人性机械叫做Deus X Machina冷黄金声优阵容大反派的配音是雅人哥过耳难忘音乐太棒了我要去找原声
- Fear knocks on the door; courage opens the door. - "I can hardly move. I am bedridden and incontinent, and feel uninterrupted anguish at my own uselessness. There is no prospect of improvement and I can already feel my faculties betraying me. I do not look on death with fear, but with longing. Please help me to escape the daily torture of my existence. Yours sincerely."